Brewmaster quality

Each Darguner variant is uniquely crafted by our passionate brewmaster

Authentic German beer

We only use the finest ingredients

800+ years tradition

Our brewing method was developed in 1172 and has been perfected ever since

Award winning brewery

Proud winner of Honored Brewery and the Award of Honor, among others

A taste of tradition

The city of Dargun is placed in the heart of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern region in the Northeastern part of Germany.

Back in 1172, Danish monks settled in the city of Dargun and started brewing beer. To honor these roots, 29th of May 1991, on a green meadow, Darguner Brauerei GmbH was established in the same city.

Darguner beers are all based on the best raw materials. In the brewing process we use the local water originating from deep sources in Mecklenburg’s underground, which provides the right basis for our Darguner beers.


More than 800 years of brewing history

Danish monks settled in the city of Dargun in 1172 and laid the foundation for the premium beer today known as Darguner

Our Selection


Pure, fine-dry, slightly hop-aromatic,
slender Pils of golden yellow color


Pure, fine-dry, slightly hop-aromatic, slender Pils of golden yellow color.

A german Pilsener style Beer of Premium Quality.
Darguner Pilsener 5% convinces through its very pleasant, mild aroma, with a touch of well selected hops aroma.

Crystal clear water, finest selection of barleymalt varieties and hops are the basic factors for our master brewers to brew a beer to this perfection. Darguner Pilsener is slow fermented at low temperatures and extra long matured – a unique experience that creates thirst for more !

  • Alc/Vol: 5.0%
  • Original gravity: 11.2%
  • Energy kJ/100ml: 170
  • Bitter Units: 21
  • Colour: 7

Ingredients: Brewing water, Barleymalt, Hopsextract, Hops


A typical bavarian
„Weissbier“ style wheat beer


A typical bavarian „Weissbier“ style wheat beer.

Darguner Wheat 5% is traditionally brewed according to the German purity law using only the finest selection of wheat malt, barley malt and caramel malt.

This unique malt composition and a special top-fermenting yeast create a festival of aroma impression; consisting of a fruity and spicy, clove-like aroma. Very nice, smooth mouth feeling with a silky hops aroma. This Beer is unfiltered, thus containing all natural ingredients. Turbidity is a quality requirement and consists of proteins and yeast.

Rewarded with gold medals from 2011 until today – a premium choice of a world class beer!

  • Alc/Vol: 5.0%
  • Original gravity: 11.8%
  • Energy kJ/100ml: 170
  • Bitter Units: 15
  • Colour: 13

Ingredients: Water, wheat malt, barley malt, hops extract, hops, yeast.



Seasonal specialty beer
for the awakening of spring time


Seasonal specialty beer for the awakening of spring time

Darguner Osterbier is a special brew with a nice amber colour and lovely caramel notes from the malt , topped with flowery and spicy notes from the aroma hops!

This beer is a bottom fermented beer and it is also a special Lager beer. Special mashing regime, cold fermented and extra long matured beer.

  • Alc/Vol: 5,6 %
  • Original gravity: 12.5%
  • Energy kJ/100ml: 170
  • Bitter Units: 20
  • Colour: 18

Ingredients: Water, barley malt, hops extract, hops.


Bockbier Dunkel

Speciality beer with strong, malty body and pleasant and fine, lightly sweet hop notes.

Bockbier Dunkel

Specialty beer with strong body and pleasant, fine and lightly sweet hop notes

Bockbier Dunkle has strong, malty body and pleasant, fine and lightly sweet  hop notes.
The distinctively pronounced, intense but harmonious malt-taste and fine-tart aroma are key characteristics of this full-bodied  specialty beer. Bockbier has dark reddish-brown colour with  strong and beautiful white foam when poured into a glass. Bockbier is traditionally brewed only with barley malt.

  • Alc/Vol: 7,0%
  • Original gravity: 16,3%
  • Energy kJ/100ml: 258
  • Bitter Units: 28
  • Colour: 42

Ingredients: Water, barley malt, hops extract, hops.

Behind a German beer: a brewmaster

Our very own brewmaster Christian Weindl is the passionate mind and driving force behind our beers.

Being a brewmaster in Germany can be compared to the work of an artist or composer, because you are only allowed to play with four components. With just four ingredients the brewmaster manage to create a variety of different types and styles of beer.

Our brewmaster, with Bavarian roots, Christian Weindl, is educated at the prestigious Staatliches Hofbräu in Munich. With dedication and passion he turns the Darguner beer into a truly authentic German experience.

That is why we are using his signature on our Darguner beers.



Premium beers from the heart of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Darguner beers are all based on the best raw materials

Strong German Heritage

Nestled in the heart of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the city of Dargun is placed in the Northeastern part of Germany.

Unlike many other countries and regions, the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern area has a huge variety of natural wells and water sources – in fact it is called, the land of thousand lakes. That is why the water we use for brewing has a carefully selected taste of its own and contributes to the unique character of each beer.

One of the most famous monuments is the monastery’s brewery from 1172. The monastery was founded by Danish monks, who settled in the city of Dargun and began brewing beer with the use of the local ingredients.


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The art of brewing

Maybe you haven’t heard of the Purity Law from 1516. Actually, Darguner beers are brewed in accordance to this law which ensures that no other ingredients than barley, hops, water and eventually yeast and wheat are used in the beer brewing process.

The Reinheitsgebot was proclaimed by William the IV, Duke of Bavaria, in 1516. The reason was first and foremost the health of the German nation to preserve the necessary ingredients to bake enough bread, the Duke imposed restrictions on the usage of wheat and rye only to be used for bread.

It may seem like an outdated law but we like to hold on to the authentic traditions in maintaining the right taste of Darguner.

Award winning brewery

The German Agricultural Association (Deutsche Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft – DLG), whose standards are the toughest in the beer market has recognized our quality. During 20 years of participation in the DLG competition, we have managed to bring home a huge number of awards.

Every year we receive the DLG price for longtime product quality. In 2016 our brewery received the Award of Excellence „Bundesehrenpreis“ in the DLG Quality Test for beer. It is the highest honor that a German food company can receive for its quality.

We will continue improving the brewing of Darguner beers on the basis of the historical traditions.